Have you ever considered working out of a coworking space? While many people have likely heard the term coworking, if you are not totally sure what it is, you are not alone. While the coworking industry has grown exponentially over the past 10 years, if you have never experienced it firsthand, there are likely a lot of unknowns surrounding the process. What we hope to highlight in this blog is that coworking has a ton of benefits that will likely aid you in your workday! Read on →

With a rise in digital technology, asynchronous work and decentralized office spaces, the way we work as a society is undoubtedly changing. Whether you are an employee at a company that is shaking things up or you are a business owner yourself, now is a great time to consider how these changes can have an impact on your workday, too. More than ever, workers have the power to structure their days in a way that makes sense to them. Read on →

If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, you are likely thinking “Hobbies? With what time?” but hear us out! Having hobbies is important for everyone, but it is especially important for those with demanding or stressful professional lives—which we know that all entrepreneurs can relate to well. While it may seem impossible to fit anything else into your busy days, making time for things you enjoy outside of work is a must. Read on →

As we reflect on the year behind us and look hopefully toward the one ahead, have you considered what you would like to achieve over the next 12 months? Brainstorming on what you hope to accomplish is a great start, and once you do that, it is time to start setting the specific goals that will help you get there. While thinking about your goals is important, setting them up in a smart way is, too. Read on →

If you have been looking for ways to revamp your workday, you have likely come across many time management strategies that can give you a boost and keep you on task. One of the most popular time management trends as of late is time blocking, where certain hours are set aside for certain tasks. While this is an extremely effective form of time management, as with any new habit, it is important to set yourself up for success from the beginning. Read on →

With the rise of technology, globalization and new communication tools, the way we work is undoubtedly changing. Workplace structures, workweek requirements and workspace preferences have all experienced a shakeup for the past few years, so if there was ever a time to reevaluate what work structure benefits you the most, this would be it. While many of us internalized the need of a 40-hour week, 9-to-5 days and isolated cubicles for productivity, that is far from what the modern office of today looks like. Read on →