When Are You Most Productive? | Office Evolution, Louisville, CO

As a working professional, productivity is likely on your mind during your typical work hours (and probably after those hours, too). How can you boost productivity, be more creative and maximize the time spent working?

If you find yourself searching online for the best ways to increase energy or how to be more creative, you may benefit from figuring out when you work best to help improve both productivity and creativity.

Why Is Timing Important?

Every person has natural periods of energy and sleepiness. It is completely normal and part of our circadian rhythm.

Figuring out how you feel during different periods of the day—when you are more energetic and when your energy dips—is important.

During your higher energy periods, you are more likely to be creative, productive and able to concentrate on your tasks. When you’re feeling sluggish, you are more likely to have trouble concentrating and may rely more heavily on energy-boosting supplements, such as caffeine, to focus.

Timing is also important because of distractions and outside obligations. As an entrepreneur, freelancer or remote worker, there are plenty of opportunities to be distracted! You may be able to look at your schedule of responsibilities outside of work and determine when you can schedule your work tasks to reduce the chance of being distracted.

Creating a Schedule That Encourages Productivity

Are you more of a morning person or a night owl? Studies show that early risers are naturally more productive than night owls, but if you don’t fit the bill, that’s OK.

The first step to creating a schedule that encourages productivity is to determine when you have the most energy and go from there.

The typical 9–5 job doesn’t cater to night owls, but as a flexible worker, you don’t have to worry about adhering to a specific schedule. This gives you the opportunity to tap into your peak energy times and maximize your productivity.

If you get a burst of energy in the afternoon, that’s when you should schedule the majority of your tasks. If you’re more of an early riser and your energy peaks right at 8 a.m., do as much as you can bright and early. Regardless of your personal sleep-wake schedule, you can create a schedule that promotes productivity.

Productivity is more likely to happen in an environment that encourages it. Contact us today to learn about our coworking options!