How to Create Harmony Between Work and Personal Life | Office Evolution, Louisville, CO
It’s no secret that life can be chaotic. Between work meetings, juggling family time and trying to have a hobby or two, it can be easy to feel like you’re always going, going, going.
But studies show that rest is important and should be a regular part of your routine. Resting and relaxing can actually boost creativity, improve your mental health and increase energy.
So, how do we find a balance between being “on” and work, and getting the rest needed during our off time?
Stick to Specific Work Hours
If you’re working remotely or are self-employed, it can be easy to reach for your computer every time it’s nearby. Even if you just have one more thing to do, it may be a good idea to stick to a specific work schedule and avoid working outside of those hours.
There are obviously exceptions to this rule, but it can serve as a good guideline for setting boundaries with work.
When it comes to figuring out an ideal work schedule, determine what works best with your company or your personal schedule. If you have complete control over your work time, figure out when you work best.
If you’re naturally more productive in the morning, schedule most of your work hours then. When your work day is over, unplug and resume your tasks in the morning.
Set Priorities
Determining your priorities can help you figure out what’s important to you. Keep this list separate from your work to-do list. The key is to figure out what you want to do outside of work. There are so many options!
Hobbies are a great way to reduce stress and create a better work-life balance. If you prioritize health and wellness, making time to exercise and make healthier meals can be beneficial.
Decide what is important to you and how you want to implement it into your life.
Schedule Personal Time
Once you’ve determined what you’d like to do outside of work, it’s time to actually do it. Schedule time for yourself, doing what you want to do. It could be waking up earlier to exercise or planning a vacation and taking time off work entirely.
Creating harmony between your work and personal life can be a challenge, but it is doable. It is important to remember that work-life balance isn’t about perfection. It’s about finding what works best for you and readjusting as needed.
A coworking space may be exactly what you need to create the harmony you need in your life. Contact us today to learn more about our coworking options!