How Employees Can Make the Most of Meetings | Office Evolution, Louisville, CO

Meetings are something that many people do not like about the modern workplace. More than 65% of respondents state that meetings get in the way of them doing their job functions, and research has found that 25% of meeting content is irrelevant to the attendees.

If you are in an organization where meetings seem like a time-waster, you can likely relate to this tremendously.

If you are not in a leadership position, you may assume that there is not much you can do to change the meeting culture of your organization, but that may not be the case! Through creative suggestions and careful planning, you can make the most of any meeting you have to attend during your workday.

How Employees Can Make the Most of Every Meeting

Ask for an agenda. An agenda helps everyone, from the organizer of the meeting to each and every attendee. Asking for a meeting agenda can ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding what the meeting will go over and ensure that there is a clear outline for what topics need to be hit during the allotted time.

Make meetings notification-free. While it may seem obvious that email and chat notifications are distracting, in the meeting room this is often overlooked in the spirit of multitasking. If this is something you notice in your own organization, suggest to your leadership team that meetings become a zone free of notifications and distractions. That way, everyone can achieve what they came to do efficiently and then get back to their other tasks as soon as the meeting is adjourned.

Suggest walking and talking meetings. If you need to schedule a meeting with a coworker or your manager, suggest making it a “walk and talk” meeting if the weather or your office space allows. Walking meetings are a great way to get extra movement into your day and tend to prevent any idle chatter or off-topic derailments that can come when everyone is sitting comfortably in their office chair.

If you are interested in rethinking how people work, that is exactly what we do each day! Our coworking memberships are designed for this mentality—contact us today to learn all about it.